I was going to do the same this time, too.
However, something came to me, and told me, "No. Think again.".
Those words were way too much to handle, profound and simple in their entirety. Uninvited, they changed my mentality to an extent that I had no other option but to write today -- the first day of the new year.
But you know what sudden change is like, don't you? It seems asinine, especially in the beginning. Like a minor viral infection that pierces through the immune system, you can only hear it like the snow that touches the ground. And if you pay close attention to that sound, it just seems crazy. But like sudden change, that sound starts blaring like songs at an Indian wedding. And that's when you realize you have no option but to listen to it.
Unless you have noise canceling headphones, that is.
Also, like that very snow, the voice that told me to "Think again" was not a voice, at all. In fact, it was an absence of it.
Okay, enough mumbo-jumbo. My internet connection died yesterday.
So, happy new year, today!