Thursday, September 29, 2011

Open secrets

I had already planned to title this post, whenever it came – "confessions". But things went differently than planned. They went better.

Frankly, I never had much of a plan per se. I just knew something had to be done about this, for what would be the result of me taking this precious little sacred secret with me to a land far away?
I don't know how this conversation ever happened, and I don't know how it got to this, and I'm really at a lack of words to express myself about making it out.

No matter how many times I look back, I know it hurt when it happened. But seven years and fifteen seconds later, I know I'll be glad for every moment afterwards, regardless of decision. Just 'cause.

Plus, who knew this would be a learning experience, as well? I wish I knew how to say no with grace. Or that I could go back in time and change things with the aforementioned knowledge. In any event, my feelings are far too die hard to merely wane.

And my writing is beginning to sound like jellybeans.

And if you're looking for another out of place sentence, tell me, is it even possible to sum up a billion and one emotions into one sentence?

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